I'm Brianna. Pennsylvania based wedding + portrait photographer. My hair is typically in a messy bun, I usually have a baby on my hip, and I never say no to cake. I want photographs to feel as good as they look, and my overly sentimental, married, momma heart knows the weight of soulful photographs all too well.

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The Full Post  »

This post is a bit overdue, but…better late than never! This year was a busy one to say the least. Lots of long, hot wedding days, gorgeous bride & grooms, not so gorgeous photographer moments, yet still SO much fun. 2014 was the year I discovered “The Sock Bun.” It may not be the most […]

Behind the Scenes 2014

February 3, 2015

WANT TO SAVOR SOME heartfelt moments with your favorite HUMANS? Let’s do it!

philadelphia, pa & worldwide

In the meantime, visit my blog for the latest news and sessions!

Thank you for the note. I will get back to you soon.